Making good food at home without breaking your budget

Monday, September 28, 2015

Breakfast Egg Muffins

Sometimes breakfast at our house can be a fast paced out the door episode.  But, you still need something healthy.  Or, maybe the grand kids are over and you need them to eat something besides cereal.  That's where my breakfast egg muffins come in handy.  I can feed my family a good protein breakfast and also hide vegetables in it, and make it a handheld on the go type of meal.

First Preheat your oven to 425 degrees
You will need:
baking spray
4 large eggs
your choice of filling, (today I am using leftover roasted chicken, spinach, and mushrooms)
2 Tabs milk
2 Tabs shredded cheese, (your choice)
salt and pepper

First, generously spray a standard sized muffin pan, (this recipe will make 6 breakfast muffins).
Next, chop your fillings in small bite sized pieces.

Chicken, spinach, and mushrooms are good.  Bacon, green onions, and peppers are a good choice.  Sausage, onion, and red and green peppers are also a good choice.  It's whatever combination you like for your filling.  Just think about what you like in an omelet.

Now layer your filling in the muffin tin.
In a bowl, whisk 4 eggs and 2 Tablespoons of milk.  Don't forget to salt and pepper your eggs.
Pour the egg mixture over the filling.
Top the egg and filling with your choice of cheese.  Any kind of shredded cheese will work.

Bake for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes, this is how your breakfast muffins will look.  No stirring, no fussing over them.
Remove from the muffin tin, and if you're feeding them to little ones, let them cool a few minutes, (so they kids don't get burned).  Then enjoy!!
As you can see, the inside is nice and fluffy.  You can eat them with your hands, (as your heading out the door).
Or sit down, and have a couple on a plate with your juice, (or coffee).

I like to make these on Sunday evening, place them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator, (after they have cooled completely), and then they are ready to grab and go, (yes, you can eat them cold), or microwave them for 20 seconds and enjoy them nice and warm.

Make up a batch, with different fillings and have breakfast ready to go.  Just look at what leftovers are in your refrigerator.


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