Making good food at home without breaking your budget

Monday, January 26, 2015

Homemade Pretzel Bites

Here's an easy, fast, and inexpensive treat that you can also serve for the BIG upcoming football game, (or anytime your little one are looking for a treat).  The local vendors are selling very small bags of pretzel bites for $3.99, but you can make a whole tray for under $1.00 in under 1 hour.

You will need:
1 1/2 cup warm water
1 packet active yeast (2 1/4 teas)
1 1/2 teas salt
1 Tab sugar
4 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup baking soda
1 egg
coarse salt (kosher or sea salt)
In a small bowl add the packet of yeast to the water, (the water should be about 80 degrees - in other words warm to your wrists, but not burning).  Let the water and yeast sit for 5 minutes to activate the yeast.
Notice how the yeast is already starting to come back to life?  Now add the 1 Tabs of sugar to the yeast and stir.
In a large bowl combine the 4 cups of flour and salt.  Whisk together well.
Now add the yeast mixture to the flour mixture.
Stir and knead for approximately 5 minutes.  (note:  if you want to do this in your mixer with the dough attachment you can).  I just use a spoon, rather than drag out another piece of kitchen equipment that I have to clean and put away).
Once the dough starts to come away from the sides, I use my hand to knead the dough in the bowl until it comes together and forms and nice ball.
In the meantime, bring 3 quarts of water to a boil on the stove top over medium high heat.
I have kneaded my dough, and it's a nice smooth ball and not sticky.  Turn the dough out onto your work surface.
Using your dough cutter, (or scissors or knife), cut the dough into 8 equal pieces.
Now roll each piece into ropes that are about 15 - 20 inches long.
By now your water should be at a good boil, add the 3/4 cup of baking soda.

Warning: there will be foaming when you add the baking soda, (don't be alarmed).  This is the secret to making good pretzels. The foam will subside.
 Cut the pretzel ropes into 6 or 8 pieces, (depending on how big you want your bites).

Now preheat your oven to 425 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

With the tip of your dough cutter, (or if your using scissors or a knife), make an "X" or a small slit in the bite to allow for dough expansion.

Gently place the pretzel dough in the boiling soda water and cook for 30 SECONDS.  I only cook 8 pieces at a time, (that way I can keep track of how many are in the pot and make sure I get them all out before I put the next batch in).
Remove, shake off excess water.
I place my pretzel bits on a rack to drain, while I cook the rest of the batch.

No, your eyes aren't deceiving you - I did make my husband a couple of traditional pretzels.
Once all the pretzel bites are boiled, in a small bowl whisk the egg.
Brush both sides of pretzel bites lightly with egg and place on parchment lined baking sheet.
Lightly sprinkle coarse salt over tops of pretzel bites.

Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes,
The pretzels are all puffed up, and slightly browned.  Now we're going to put them under our broiler for 1 minute to brown the tops.

 Here they are after 1 minute under the broiler.  The tops are nicely brown.  At this point, I give the tops a very light brushing with some melted butter.

If you want you can make a cinnamon and sugar mixture and sprinkle on top - YUMMY
Or try some garlic powder -  OH so good
Or make a cheese sauce for dipping
Or make a marinara sauce for dipping

The list is endless....

 So here is my tray of pretzel bites, all ready to dig into.
But first I need to do a "quality control check"

Oh man, is that ever SO good.!!  The inside is light and fluffy, the outside is toasty with just the right amount of saltiness.  It's just like you get from the vendors.

Friends and family are gonna' love these, if they last that long!!

Give these a try and let me know what you think.


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