Making good food at home without breaking your budget

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Butternut Squash Soup (Non Dairy)

I found a beautiful butternut squash at the farmer's market last week for $1, and I knew that with the changing weather I had to make a pot of butternut squash soup.  My family loves this recipe, it's so easy and very inexpensive.
You will need:
2 Tabs. butter
1 small onion
1 stalk celery
2 medium carrots
3 medium smallish potatoes
1 Tabs. grated fresh ginger
2 cans of chicken stock, (or better yet homemade chicken stock)
1 medium butternut squash
salt and pepper
NOTE:  Those who read my "Roasted Carrot" blog know that I am using a couple of the leftover roasted carrots that I made from the blog post.  You can use fresh carrot, but I like the deeper flavor that these roasted carrots will give, and I also never throw anything out.
Peel and rough chop your onion.
Rough chop your celery, also use the leaves, (that has lots of the flavor).
Chop the potatoes, (I like to leave on the skins for more flavor).
Chop your carrots, (if you are using fresh carrots, no need to peel them - just give them a good washing).
Grate your fresh ginger - set this aside.
Peel, seed, and chop the butternut squash.
In a large pot, over medium heat - melt the butter and add the onions, celery, carrots, (if they are fresh - if your using the leftover roasted carrots don't add them just yet), potatoes, and butternut squash.  Cook, stirring every so often for about 25 minutes.
Just as the onions start to soften, add the roasted carrots.  If you are using fresh carrots, just skip this step.  Continue cooking until the vegetables start to brown, but don't burn.
 Test the vegetables with a fork and if they are starting to soften turn the heat to medium low, and add the grated ginger.
Add the chicken stock, give the pot a gentle stir. Cover with a lid and simmer over medium low heat for about 40 minutes until everything is tender.
Test the vegetables for tenderness.  If they are done, remove from heat.
Using an immersion blender, blend all the vegetables until smooth.  The soup will thicken up very nicely.  If you don't have an immersion blender you can pour the soup into a food processor or a blender, (but be very careful not to over fill, this is very hot and will expand when you turn on the blender and you will have an explosion and possibly get burned!!  Working in smaller batches is safer.).
 Once everything is blended, that's it!!  Add a little salt and pepper to taste.  I also like to add some paprika and cayenne pepper, (just a touch for some depth of flavor).  Makes it very yummy.
Today, I serving this with a grilled cheese, tomato, and basil sandwich on homemade bread.  This is just the dinner for a cool fall evening.

So, grab a butternut squash, a couple of vegetables, and let me know how your soup turned out.


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