The other day I dug up this beauty of a 2 pound turnip, and when I showed it to some of my friends, one said "I don't like those things". I replied, "you haven't had them cooked the right way". Another friend said, "I wished I knew how to cook them, so they tasted good". Maybe more people are saying these same things!! Let me show you how I converted my family into turnip lovers. First, let me go dig some potatoes.
For this dish you will need:
Salt and pepper - to taste
sugar - to taste
butter - depending on how much you are making
milk - depending on how much you are making
Cut the top and root bottom off the turnips and using a peeler, remove just the outer layer from the turnips. Cut into cubes.
I like to leave the peel on my potatoes, so I just wash and cube my potatoes, but if you want to peel your potatoes, that's fine. Cut the potatoes into cubes the same size as the turnips, (so they cook in the same amount of time.)
Note: the first couple of times you feed your family this dish, use 2 or 3 times more potatoes than turnips. As they start enjoying the taste, add more turnips. We like an even ratio of turnips and potatoes.
Place the turnips and potatoes into a large pot, with enough water to cover and cook until tender. Usually about 25 to 30 minutes. Remove from the heat and drain off the water.
Now turn on the oven to 375 degrees and spray coat a baking dish.
Now your going to just basically make mashed potatoes. First mash the turnips and potatoes until slightly lumpy.
Next add in your butter. For this amount I added 3 Tabs of butter.
Next add in salt, pepper, sugar, and milk to taste. Stir into potatoes. For this amount, I used 2 Tabs of sugar and 2 Tabs of milk.
Note: The first couple of times you make this for your family, you may want to add more sugar to sweeten it up for their taste. As they get used to the flavor of the turnips, add less of the sugar.
Go ahead, give the potatoes and turnips a taste. Does it need a touch more salt, pepper, sugar? Adjust it to your family's taste. It will still be lumpy, (or as I call it "rustic").
Now transfer the mixture to your baking dish
Dot the top with some butter. Cover and bake for about 20 minutes.
And there you have it!! Mashed turnips and potatoes. YUMMY, YUMMY, YUMMY!!
It is so good. Tonight, I'm serving this with chicken and a tossed salad. The next day, we'll just heat up the leftover in the microwave.
Hope you enjoy turning your family on to something new and healthy for them.